Office in Bulgaria
Browse Property

How to buy

 How to buy property in Bulgaria

Purchase of property and sign the contracts.

To reach one of the final stages in the purchase of property – the notary contract must go through several stages:

Make a request to our brokers where they express all your wishes and requirements for property searches;

We do analysis and prepare all relevant sites in your search criteria;

Carrying out inspections.

Having found the right property for you and you decide to buy it, act as follows:

Leave reservation fee in order the property to be removed from sale until the signing of a preliminary contract for sale and payment of deposit. The reservation fee is often the amount of 1000 Euros to 3000 Euros;

Signing the preliminary contract and payment of the first installment, which will be deposit;

When we have a deferred payment in the preliminary contract are marked all contributions, size and terms of payment;

After payment of the entire amount of the preliminary contract shall be transferred to the notary layout of the transaction;

After the preparation of the deed, need your property to be declared in the municipality (in which the property)