Taxi from Thessaloniki to Bansko and back. Transfer Thessaloniki Bansko
Through the company MS Realty You can book a taxi from the airport of Thessaloniki in Bansko and from Bansko in Thessaloniki / Greece.
The transfer fee Thessaloniki Bansko and back is 160 Euros one way.
Approximate travel time: 3 hours 20 minutes
Distance – 250 km.
For customers of our real estate agency, we offer a shuttle service from any city in Bulgaria, as well as from neighboring countries Greece and Macedonia.
Taxi from Thessaloniki in Bansko can order telefonu:
+359 879 69 68 70
skype: ms_realty
Here you can order trasfer from any city in Sandanski Bulgaria, as well as individual trips and sightseeing tours of Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia.
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